Re-Checking Login
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                                                                    IMPORTANT INSTRUCTIONS
A. A Student can apply on-line for Rechecking of his/her Theory answer books within 30 days from the date of declaration of Result.
B. Physical submission of Rechecking form is not allowed.
C. RECHECKING FEE for various courses will be Rs. 1000/- per Answer Book . Separate fee shall be charged for each Answer book if a subject/paper has two parts/Sections and each part/Section has been attempted on a different answer book.
D. Fee once deposited shall not be refunded/adjusted in any case.
E. Rechecking will be done only to see that the marks awarded for various answers have been correctly added and that all the answers have been assessed by the examiner.
F. Revaluation of answer book(s) will not be admissible in any examination of any Faculty.
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